Before this, I had seen two other 2/3 falls matches from ROH and I hated both of them. Both went around 42 minutes and both were pretty meandering. This went 76 minutes and was better. First fall had the feeling out process, which led to Aries’s gut getting worked over which then went into Dragon’s neck being worked over. Second fall had Aries’s legs being worked over and then eventually the arm. Between that, Dragon botched a tope and was out a couple of minutes which marred this fall somewhat. Third fall was the callback spots to the Survival of the Fittest match and then they pretty much empty everything they have left. First two falls ended logically, the third may have been a bit too many finishers from Aries. Three brainbusters and a 450 was a bit too much after a regular brainbuster and a second rope brainbuster earlier. Selling was actually pretty consistent throughout. Maybe some time could have been taken off of the match, and maybe the crowd could have been hotter (yeah, that’s very nitpicky). You could definitely make the argument that this is an excellent match, but I will give it some time.
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