Friday, December 30, 2011

Danielson/Joe/KENTA rewatch

Pretty flawed match. Transition issues, back and forth, and KENTA getting knocked loopy was part of the issues. Joe had to carry this match and did a damn fine job. This is every bit as stiff as I remember it, but still not what I had hoped it would be (granted I had high expectations). This was still memorable enough to be listable, but it won’t turn anti-3-way people to the other side.

Jacobs/Whitmer IYF rewatch

This is every bit as good as there first match except for two things. One, it was a bit restholdy at points. And two, I don’t feel it was structured right. Yes, the brawl in the beginning made sense in the feud, but then why bring it up the match in order to bring it back down a couple minutes later. I mean if you want to a shorter version of your first match structurally, then just do that. Still this is Whitmer/Jacobs and it is every bit as sweet as last time… but just not as good. Keep.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Briscoes vs Aries/Strong Destiny rewatch

On rewatch, it is better then there first. But like last time, I’m not seeing a listable match here. It has its moments for a storyless match and your mileage may vary when it comes to how exciting the match is, but it’s just that it was not exciting enough to put it on my list. No.

Danielson/Homicide Destiny rewatch

This held up pretty well. Danielson brought his usual great arm work and Homicide sold most of it well until the end. On rewatch, the match was back and forth at points with the big offenders being the first table spot and the title shot. It also happened in the finishing stretch which seems to be par for the course in ROH. This at least didn’t overstay its welcome like Danielson’s matches against Hero and Rave. List.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Rave/Richards rewatch

Tough call on this one. It was really well structured for a match with no story in it and it had good crowd heat. It’s not a stand out match in that I feel some of Davey’s offense and timing could be better. Still, I think it holds up and is on the list.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Necro/Homicide rewatch

I feel this match without the pre-match angle is a good, but flawed brawl. With the pre-match angle, it is great stuff. The match itself has some no selling from both parties, but it also has some insane bumps from both. Something like this works better then BJ/Necro because this match is not trying to fill 20+ minutes with sick spots. This wouldn’t have worked if it went that long. Not high or anything, but it’s a keeper.

Briscoes vs Aries/Strong Ring of Homicide rewatch

This…did not hold up. It is not that it’s bad match; it is just that it is the first in a series of matches and they held back from bringing the excitement. It’s ok to do that sometimes, but I would have liked to have seen some story like Aries arm from last night. There better storyless matches later on in the year that I can let this one go. No.

Aries/Jay Briscoe rewatch

Held up better this time. I loved Jay being an angry little prick and Aries selling the arm like a million bucks. It did take a bit for Jay to work the arm (with a pep talk from Aries), but once it happened, it was all fun. Not high end, but I enjoy these simple types of matches that are executed well. Keep.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Strong/Aries vs Rave/Shelley rewatch

If anything, this match is a reminder of how awesome the Embassy was and that this was there final match-up together in ROH. My only wish was that Nana was there instead of Haze. The match, it filled the bare minimum of being very good. There was nothing wrong with the match; it just felt a little hollow for a title match. I was expecting it to be bigger then what I got. Still, the Embassy’s bullshit made this match work. However, it just makes it barely listable.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Nigel/Danielson WOC night 2 rewatch

Not as great as I thought it could have been. It is still very good and high end, but I thought it would have held up better. The back and forth stood out more in this match, but this at least had structure with the arm work and selling. If I could be nitpicky, I would also say that the big submissions on Nigel went a bit too long. Still at the moment, this is top 5.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Sydal/Daniels rewatch

Held up better then I thought it would. It is still kind of a strange match. Execution issues stay the same, but with the exception of Sydal no selling the BME, then wasn’t any back and forth. It most cases this would be listable, but it just doesn’t work for me. It’s a unique match with both wrestlers playing roles different then they are usually known for, but it just came off as dry to me. No section of the match was bad, but there was nothing to really put it over the top. I recommend to those who want to see a different side to Sydal, but I just can’t do it. Slight no.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Claudio/SD/Necro/Webb vs. Pearce/Steel/Colt/Whitmer rewatch

Shorter version of the last match, but just as good. However, this does have flaws. I feel Webb and Pearce should not been in the match. Both of them being gone after the pile driver on the stage was strange. Steel suplexing Necro, fine, but here it didn’t make sense. The bigger issue was BJ’s neck selling. Don’t come out in a neck brace if you are not going to sell it. Still, this is listable.

Joe/Whitmer/Pearce vs. Hero/Necro/SD rewatch

I dug this just a little more this time. This match is more unique then any other match you will see during this decade. This is an inter-promotional monster brawl that would not have been out of place in Memphis in the 80’s. Not the very best so far, but very fun. Keep.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Cabana/Homicide Chicago Street Fight rewatch

This went way too long. It’s OK to do a match involving plunder, but 27 minutes is ridiculous. Plus, a lot of stuff in that match was no sold more then the first time I watched it. Yes, it was the big blowoff, but the ghetto street fight had way more hate without resorting to gimmicks unless it was necessary and was way tighter. No.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Danielson/Storm rewatch

It was good, but not great. Storm did well and all, but not selling the back was a deal breaker for me. It really was as good as it could get involving two wrestlers who don’t really match up that well. No.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Aries/Strong vs CIMA/Doi rewatch

The best match involving Dragongate that weekend. BG goes after Aries bloody nose which gave this match a good little story. There were points where they weren’t paying attention to Aries, but they gave him a nice ass-whooping. The home stretch did have some execution issues, but it didn’t have any no selling down the stretch. Keep.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Do Fixer vs Blood Generation rewatch

I just don’t know with this. It is very similar to the last 6 man right down to the annoying home stretch. I counted about 7 instances of no selling which makes this match just a bit more aggravating. The first 2 thirds were still fun, although I thought it was better last match. This match will be my cut off point for 06. So it is listable, barely.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Generation Next vs Blood Generation rewatch

Held up way better then last time. The same first 2 thirds that I thought were meandering last time were actually really fun this time. Maybe part of that had to do with expectations. Still that finishing stretch had 5-6 instances of no selling mostly involving Doi and Strong. Still, if they could have waited for everything to sink in, it would be worthy of the praise it was getting. As is, it is barely listable.

Styles/Sydal vs DK/Genki rewatch

Did not hold up that well. Last time I watched, the video quality really sucked. Now I get to see it in high quality and realize that the match was awkward. The execution just seemed off at points and didn’t off as well as I thought it would. It’s sad because this match doesn’t have the no selly finishing stretch that the next two matches are going to have. No.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Whitmer/Jacobs DGC rewatch

I really dug this although I could see some people being a little put off by it. What I mean is they do a little undercard match, but with each being executed well, and then turning into a brutal deathmove fest. This worked because it got progressively better as it went along and the moves were sold right. Your mileage may vary on the story, but it worked for me. Listworthy.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Danielson/Joe vs KENTAFuji rewatch

For a match that went 5-10 minutes longer then it should have, it was still pretty damn good. Joe/KENTA still ruled and Marufuji didn’t ruin the match. This has less flaws then the last match and is just barely listable.

Strong/Evans vs Briscoes rewatch

Just as tough to call this as it was last time I watched. I think with the back and forth moments, Evans weird kicks (and Briscoes selling of those kicks), and Evans getting up way to quickly from the Doomsday Device, it brings the match down. However, this has some sweet leg work on Evans and Evans doing a pretty good job selling it. Still, by the slightest of margins, there are just too many issues with this. Slight no.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Strong/Aries vs Styles/Sydal rewatch

I just don’t see it as high end. The match strikes me as a spotfest tag, and honestly, I don’t see this as being as great as people are saying. It lacks an ebb and flow to it. No.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Danielson/Rave rewatch

I liked the story of Rave stealing all of Dragon’s trademark moves, but applied them in a way that made them inferior to the originator which I thought was a nice touch. I just don’t know if it needed 33 minutes. However, they did well in filling the time. I still think it was a little back and forth and the ending didn’t do it for me, but it holds up. Keep.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Homicide vs. Colt Cabana Ghetto Street Fight rewatch

This was full of hate, and I loved it. Great selling from both and both put a little more oomph on there offense. At least top 5 for 06. Definite yes.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Jimmy Rave/Adam Pearce vs Bryan Danielson/CM Punk rewatch

The match was fine, but it had no right going that long. A lot of it felt like filler and the execution of moves came off as just good as opposed to great. No.

Nigel/Aries rewatch

Doesn’t hold up as well as last time. It has its moments, but the working of the rope breaks, the back and forth, and the finisher overkill prevent me from giving this more love. I think if they slowed it down to allow everyone to sell, the match would have been better off for it. No.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Styles/Danielson Dissension rewatch

This is the best of there matchups in ROH, but I don’t know. I feel this match took a while to get going. Eventually Dragon worked the nose and drew blood. Strangely, AJ didn’t really sell, let alone milk, the bloody nose. It actually felt like AJ’s intensity dropped the further the match went along. In the end, this had its moments, but AJ dropped the ball just enough for me to leave it off. No, barely.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Rave/Shelly/Abyss vs Yang/Evans/Sydal rewatch

Man, this was super fun. Just an Embassy asskicking fest with the dickishness ramped up to 11. It helped that Sydal and Yang bumped accordingly for them. Especially at the end with Abyss tearing shit up. Probably could of cut a minute or two (maybe) and the end was a bit flat. Right now, it is second.

Whitmer/Jacobs/Pearce vs Yang/Evans/Sydal rewatch

This held up pretty well. No BS. Just 12 minutes of fast paced action from beginning to end. I think this is the best so far. Just a little less downtime then Styles/Sydal. Keep.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Danielson/Hero rewatch

This is a tough one. The beginning was ok, but went too long. The middle is still awesome wit the arm work and Dragon’s selling was great. The ending was fine, but it is just that Dragon’s victory came off as pretty easy. It wasn’t as great as I thought it would be, but this match is just barely good enough to reach the list. Yes.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Styles/Sydal rewatch

This match works because of Sydal’s counters and escapes. Sydal’s neck selling however, is still throwing me off. It is not that it wasn’t acknowledged, because he was selling his neck. It’s just that it didn’t seem to hamper him. Other then that, everything was fine for what it was. It goes the right amount of time and AJ kicked ass in it. List.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Bryan Danielson vs. Homicide. Final Battle 2006 12/23/06

This was pretty incredible. Just really well built from beginning to end with the story of Danielson’s reign and Homicide coming together pretty seamlessly. The selling of each one’s arms was outstanding as well. Top 3 at least. Now on to the rewatches.

Austin Aries, Roderick Strong & Delirious vs. CIMA, Shingo & Matt Sydal. Final Battle 2006 12/23/06

This match works for its beginning and ending, but the middle went too long and there really wasn’t anything of note from it. From first watch, this did not have the issues that the DG 6-mans from March had. I feel there is enough stuff to give this another chance. Rewatch.

Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal VS CIMA & Shingo International Challenge 12/22/06

It was good. The match seemed to have direction in it with Blood Generation going after Sydal’s leg. Weirdly Sydal doesn’t really do a good job of selling the leg. Finishing stretch was fine, but was kind of back and forth with the lack of any type of selling. I’ve seen worse, but I just can’t do it. No.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Delirious, Colt Cabana, Nigel McGuinness & BJ Whitmer vs Bryan Danielson, Jimmy Rave, Shingo & Jimmy Jacobs Elimination Match The Chicago Spectacular Night 2 12/9/06

I liked this. Highlighted all the feuds going on and didn’t really have any bad eliminations. I do think the 2 on 1 could have been cut by a couple minutes. Other then that I can’t complain too much. Rewatch.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Jay Briscoe vs. Davey Richards. Chicago Spectacular Night 2 12/9/06

Good, but kind of by-the-numbers. Perfectly fine for a storyless singles match, but not something you need to go out of your way for. No.

Adam Pearce vs Homicide Steel Cage Match Chicago Spectacular Night 2 12/9/06

Good match, but way too back and forth. It at least had a sense of urgency and both at least wanted to kill the other. However, the heat wasn’t there because people don’t really care about Pearce and the ending just sort of happened. It was better then I thought it would be, but I still have to say no.

Samoa Joe vs. Bryan Danielson Steel Cage Match Chicago Spectacular Night 1 12/8/06

This match was worked like half a hate filled match and half a regular title match. To the match’s credit, both halves were good. It’s just that it is a steel cage match and for a steel cage match, the match lacked urgency. I keep waiting for Joe to really lay the asskicking in on Dragon like he would against KENTA, but it has felt like throughout the second half of the year and here that he is going through the motions. This match is good, but with the wrestlers involved in this match and feud, I was expecting more. No.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Austin Aries & Roderick Strong VS Shingo & Matt Sydal Chicago Spectacular Night 1 12/8/06

It was OK. Took way too long to get going and even then I just didn’t care anymore. It looked good on paper, but was disappointing in the end. No.

Matt Cross VS Christopher Daniels VS BJ Whitmer VS Davey Richards Chicago Spectacular Night 1 12/8/06

For what it looked like on paper, this was good. Has the usual fun spots that these mathes have, it just doesn’t really have the story or anything blowaway that makes me think that this would be more then just fun. No.

Briscoes vs Homicide & Samoa Joe Falls Count Anywhere Elimination Street Fight Dethroned 11/25/06

Good, but I was expected much more. Hard to really call this a Falls Count Anywhere match or an Elimnation match when they really didn’t bother to highlight it. I was also expecting the match to have more hate, and thus be more brutal because it was a feud ender. I just wasn’t feeling this which has been the trend for the last third of 06. No.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Davey Richards vs Austin Aries Dethroned 11/25/06

Very good match. Aries carried the match with his selling of the arm similar to his match against Jay Briscoe, but Davey didn’t really embarrass himself either. What did suck however was the crowd heat. If it was better, I would be giving it more accolades. Still, it is the best match I’ve seen in a while and is on the rewatch list.

Kings of Wrestling vs. Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal Dethroned 11/25/06

It was fine, but I really have to question why Daniels was the FIP. Hell, I have to question that control section on Daniels by the KOW. I like the KOW antics, but I keep expecting more from them like in the GBH match against Gen Next. Fun at points, but I’ve seen these types of “no story” worked better earlier on in the year that I could let this off the list. No.

Jimmy Jacobs vs. BJ Whitmer Dethroned 11/25/06

It was good, but not the underrated match I was led to believe. Still felt like a wrestling match disguised as a fight. I think it needed less time and more chaos in order to really be called a fight. No.

Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal VS Davey Richards & Delirious Black Friday Fallout 11/24/06

Again I’m liking these Davey tag matches more then I probably should be. Probably could have been shortened, and it’s hard to say if this will hold up on rewatch. I’m sorry if this is coming off as redundant, but I’m running out of things to say about these Davey tags. They are fun safe matches that are not cream of the crop material because there is no match that really differentiates from one another. But I did like and will give it a rewatch.

Friday, October 14, 2011

KENTA vs. Matt Sydal The Bitter End 11/04/06

I really liked this. KENTA kicked Sydal’s ass and Sydal sold the asskicking like a million bucks. Plus, it didn’t go ridiculously long so it was nice and tight. I don’t think it is best of the best, but I dug this match plenty. Rewatch.

Kings of Wrestling vs Austin Aries & Roderick Strong The Bitter End 11/04/06

Good match but I can’t help but think if you brought the best elements of this match and the GBH match, it would be something worth rewatching. I saw it as the GBH match was a better match for the KOW, while this match was a better Gen Next match. Started off well, but they just were giving me nothing to work with. If you are going to give me nothing, then you better do it faster then other spotfests. Sadly, no.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Austin Aries & Roderick Strong vs KENTA & Davey Richards. Honor Reclaims Boston 11/3/06

Tough call. It is one of those spotfest tags with no story and a lot of restholds. Still this doesn’t really do anything to really irritate me. KENTA ruled, and everybody else was alright. I’ve seen worser matches in October so I don’t really feel bad about giving this a rewatch.

Bryan Danielson vs Delirious Honor Reclaims Boston 11/3/06

I feel this is the best match these two have had. The beginning was actually pretty brisk, however I feel the match was hurt by it going too long and the crowd not caring. But, for some reason, I’m going to show remorse for this match and give it one more shot. Rewatch.

Samoa Joe vs. Bryan Danielson No DQ Irresistable Forces 10/28/06

This is non-title. I liked parts of this match, but man was Joe going through the motions. Joe wasn’t treating this as a hate filled feud and he didn’t really make much of an effort to sell the arm. The crowd was pretty lukewarm although I don’t blame them because with the exception of the use of the belt at the end, this really didn’t feel like a No DQ match. So there nothing to really go out of your way for in October 06 ROH. No.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Jay Briscoe vs Matt Sydal Irresistible Forces 10/28/06

Better then the last match, but it is too by-the-numbers. It was also a bit to no-selly at points. Good match, but nothing more. No.

Matt Sydal vs Delirious Suffocation 10/27/06

This wouldn’t fuckin end. It had a good beginning with there being some good comedy, but neither were in top form in this match. Just no heat and had no right going 25 minutes. Skip.

Jay & Mark Briscoe vs Homicide & Samoa Joe Streetfight Motor City Madness 10/7/06

Flawed match. Very fun match at points, but there were issues. One issue, they decide to have a regular tag match for the first 5 minutes. So dumb. They finally street fight and it is really good. However, the selling just wasn’t good. Especially the final 5 minutes where Joe got taken out. Homicide and the Briscoes were put through tables at points, but none of it was sold at all. I probably could have put this on my rewatch list, if only they didn’t waste my time in the first 5 minutes. As is, there just isn’t enough good to justify doing that. Slight no.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Bryan Danielson vs. Austin Aries Motor City Madness 10/7/06

Out of 4 ROH matches, this is the 3rd best match up between these two. Aries back was worked over which was OK, was sold OK, but really didn’t matter in the end. The end was definatly the best part, but this matchup has been way better in the past. No.

Austin Aries vs Matt Sydal vs Jay Briscoe vs Mark Briscoe vs Delirious Elimination Survival of the Fittest 10/6/06

This was good. A million times better then 05 finals, although I feel that time could have benn shaved from it. The issue is that it took a while to get going. The beginning stunk with Sydal/Delirious matwork which I felt really didn’t belong there. The middle got better with Delirious and Sydal deciding to work together to eliminate the Briscoes. The end was really fun with the finisher kickouts and Delirious finally pulling it off. This has good ideas, but from beginning to end, this match was just good. No.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Bryan Danielson vs KENTA Glory by Honor 5 Night 2 9/16/06

Definatly very good at the least. They had a consistent story with KENTA kicking at Dragon’s legit injured arm and going after it all match. Danielson sold well, although I was way more impressed with him fighting with only one arm. Still this went about 33 minutes and Danielson’s figure four work could have been dropped along with the fighting spirit stuff. I don’t think it’s perfect, but it has held up reasonably well. Rewatch.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Naomichi Marufuji vs. Nigel McGuiness Glory By Honor V Night 2 9/16/06

It was better then I thought it would be. I still wouldn’t recommend it, but it was good in a brainless way. Nigel was carrying this with his leg selling and the eventual work on Marafuji’s arm. Marufuji did sucky leg work, actually made somewhat of an effort to sell the arm which I’m surprised he’s capable of, and with the exception of his superkicks and a body punch, had some really shitty strikes. But nevermind the first 2/3rds why don’t we hit finishers? So yeah, doesn’t work for me.

Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli vs. Austin Aries & Roderick Strong Glory By Honor V Night 2 9/16/06

There was just something off about this match. I understand what they were doing, but I have seen it done better. KOW had good ribwork and had entertaining schtick, but for some reason it wasn’t mixing well in this match. Aries selling, yet again, left a lot to be desired. So I’m glad Gen Next lost the belts, but this match doesn’t work for me. No.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

KENTA & Naomichi Marufuji vs. Jay & Mark Briscoe Glory By Honor V Night 1 9/15/06

Pretty unremarkable until the end, but it was too little too late. Too much half-assed no selling and back and forth. At least in other Briscoes matches in 06, the selling wasn’t bad and there wasn’t really any back and forth. No.

Samoa Joe vs. Roderick Strong Glory By Honor V Night 1 9/15/06

I liked it. The avoiding of the chops was fun, and the ending with Joe’s selling and the top rope DVD was good shit. Joe was pretty methodical during the middle. It is better then most and deserves a rewatch.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Bryan Danielson vs. Colt Cabana 2/3 Falls Gut Check 8/26/06

Yeah, thank god that was over. Two things go against this match. One, Dragon injuring his arm, and two, Colt not selling the leg for shit. Sure the ending was amusing, but did I really have to sit through sixty minutes of rubbish to get there, hell no. Don’t watch.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Austin Aries/Roderick Strong vs. Christopher Daniels/Matt Sydal Gut Check 8/26/06

This is a tough one. The beginning was really good with Strong/Sydal, which transitioned well in the middle with Aries ribs. Daniels/Sydal do a good number on Aries ribs, but it really isn’t sold that well. The ending stretch was fine, except that it gets too back and forth at points. I just can’t do it. Honestly, I would rather have a spotfest with no story then a poorly done body part selling clinic story. No.

Briscoes vs. Homicide/Davey Richards Gut Check 8/26/06

It was good. Had the same fun finishing stretch that I’ve seen in most Briscoes matches this year. But if I were to go back to the Anarchy in the UK match with Sydal replacing Homicide, stuff was executed a little bit better, had a hotter crowd, and more insane finishing stretch. I say this because they did a stretch that was somewhat similar to this match. That was 13 days earlier and more fresh. So I dug it, but it is not that high end. No.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Bryan Danielson VS Nigel McGuinness 2/3 falls Epic Encounter 2 8/25/06

Yeah, not what I expected, in a bad way. I get what they were trying to do, Dragon was trying to ware down Nigel with headlocks and chinlocks and zap his energy, and Nigel went after Dragon’s arm. Dragon sold the arm pretty well, Nigel made me yearn for the days when Joe would sell Punk’s headlocks. On top of that, it was not in the least bit compelling. I was expecting chain wrestling, I got a NWA touring Flair broadway match. I just can’t watch this again. No.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Austin Aries & Roderick Strong vs Samoa Joe & BJ Whitmer Epic Encounter 2 8/25/06

Meh. There seemed to be potential with Aries having taped up ribs, and the possibility of a Joe/Roderick battle, but it just didn’t work. The match ended up being generic and Joe didn’t really seemed to be putting it all out there. No.

Matt Sydal vs Delirious Epic Encounter 2 8/25/06

It was good but they didn’t seem 100% in sych at points and was a bit back and forth. It has its moments, but I kind of feel this type of match has been done better. No.

Bryan Danielson VS Roderick Strong Anarchy in the UK 8/13/06

Well that was a whole lot of nothing. Felt like a house show effort. No.

Jay & Mark Briscoe VS Matt Sydal & Davey Richards Anarchy in the UK 8/13/06

Pretty crazy. Not great, but the ending stretch was fun. There was no story and some will say it got a little to headdroppy, but it was a pleasant surprise. May not like it as much on rewatch, but it is worth a shot.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Nigel McGuinness VS Bryan Danielson Unified 8/12/06

Out of the three matches these two have had against each other, this may be third. Could be second with the ending, but there isn’t a story here in sight. The first 2/3rds was ok, but it has been done better at WOC and Generation Now. I will give this another shot, but don’t be surprised if they get cut.

Jay & Mark Briscoe VS Austin Aries & Roderick Strong Unified 8/12/06

I really liked this, but it is far from the perfect match people saw it as. The match still cuts a great pace, although I’m having issues with the transitions being a little YTMT. Also, Roderick surviving the Spike Jay Driller and Doomsday Device was a bit much for me. I just feel like this was all done better at Ring of Homicide. I do at least feel this is better then the Destiny match and will rewatch.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Samoa Joe VS Bryan Danielson Fight of the Century 8/5/06

OK, rarely am I as wrong as I am now, but man this match disappointed me. Kind of like there match in 04. The first 15 or so minutes are fine with Danielson getting kicked everytime he tries to get an advantage on Joe and going outside to reset. Eventually we get to Joe’s leg being worked over which was OK. Joe sold the leg well during the beating, but kind of shook it off later which made the leg selling during the muscle buster made me think “Oh now it’s ok to sell.” Also, it feels silly to do a Regal Stretch as a possible finish when it was being used to work over Joe in the middle of the match. Ending was fun, I guess. I think the big issue with this was that it just seemed way to back and forth without much of it being earned. There also just seemed to be a lack of highlights throughout. Even with Daniels bad selling in the second half, I would would rather watch the Punk/Daniels broadway then this match. Sadly, No.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Davey Richards VS KENTA Fight of the Century 8/5/06

Again another Richards match is high end. The best way I can describe this is that they don’t put themselves in any traps to derail the match. They do stick to kicking and restholds which as I watched it was OK. Still, the match lacked story, and there was a fighting spirit spot I could have done without. It is still good enough for a rewatch.

Davey Richards & KENTA VS Jay & Mark Briscoe Time to Man Up 8/4/06

Better then I thought it would be. It was a spotfest, but it was a well worked one. Does have some no selling in the beginning, but if they were going to no sell, then do it in the beginning. And Richards hasn’t irritated me yet, so that’s good. I doubt it will hold up rewatch, but we’ll have to wait and see. Rewatch.

Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness Generation Now 7/29/06

Every bit as good as the first match except for the story. Some stuff could have been cut like the kimura and the MMA elbow trading, but this still had the great mat wrestling and finishing stretch that you come to expect. Rewatch.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Austin Aries, Roderick Strong, Matt Sydal & Jack Evans VS Davey Richards, Jerrelle Clark & Irish Airborne Generation Now 7/29/06

Sweet little spotfest. But as much fun as this was, this did not have the selling to really put it at that other level. This isn’t a “no selling near the end type deal”, this match had no selling all match. It is still good, but consider this elite level. Slight no.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

BJ Whitmer vs. Necro Butcher No Ropes Barbed Wire Match War of the Wire II 7/28/06

Man, I am getting Homicide/Necro Butcher flashbacks, except this match went longer. It was brutal as hell although not really hate filled. It also didn’t really have any selling. I mean they are badasses for taking these sickening bumps, but it kind of makes those bumps into afterthoughts. If the match was shorter, I could have bought it, but this is not a match that I feel you should go out of your way to see. And frankly, if didn’t say this now, I would have said it on rewatch. Slight No.

The Briscoes vs. Jack Evans & Roderick Strong War of the Wire II 7/28/06

Good match, but I thought it could have been better. My problem was with Evans. He did have some good escapes when it came to Briscoes trying to go after his leg like in the last match, but his striking was kind of piss poor and kind of hurt my enjoyment of the match. I just couldn’t buy him hurting the Briscoes. It does have the callbacks, but I thought Jack was better in the first match. No.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Austin Aries vs. Bryan Danielson vs. Homicide vs. Delirious War of the Wire II 7/28/06

Fun 4 way. However, it doesn’t really have that story to make it stand out like the Rave/Richards/Delirious/Joe match. It was also kind of a spotfest, which is fine, but this is not essential viewing. No.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

BJ Whitmer, Ace Steel, Adam Pearce, Samoa Joe, Bryan Danielson & Homicide VS Claudio Castagnoli, Chris Hero, Necro Butcher, Nate Webb & Eddie Kingston Cage of Death Death Before Dishonor IV 7/15/06

This was insane and it fuckin ruled. From the bumping, to the blood, to the spots, to the storytelling, and the booking, it was everything a blowoff match should be. It also helped that it was in a cage because helped to see the cameras pick up on all the madness. My working #1 right now.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Nigel McGuinness vs Roderick Strong Death Before Dishonor IV 7/15/06

Nice match. I dug the Nigel’s blocking of the chops, Roderick’s arm selling, Roderick trying to always go for the Stronghold, and the ending. However, Nigel not making any effort was terrible, and although cool, that little no selling sequence with the gutbuster, sick kick, and rebound lariat was a bit absurd. Still a keeper for now.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Bryan Danielson vs Colt Cabana Chi Town Struggle 6/24/06

I really liked this. I loved the headgames in the beginning and Dragon eventually smartening up to it to take over. I also liked the face raking, Cabana trying to roll away from trouble, and the finish. The only issue I would have maybe there not being a long term story. Especially the middle with Dragon’s random hodge podge of moves. I still like it enough for a rewatch.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

KENTA VS Austin Aries Chi Town Struggle 6/24/06

Another good KENTA match. Doesn’t have the weakness of stuff being no sold, but I don’t see anything that I can grab onto with this match. Perfectly fine, but I’ve seen better. No.

Roderick Strong vs. KENTA Throwdown 6/23/06

Good match, but went too long. Kind of felt like a forced epic. Sure, Roderick chopped hard and KENTA kicked hard, but you had Roderick’s back work not being sold. Too many give it the nod. No.

Dragon vs Whitmer vs Jacobs Throwdown 6/23/06

Good match. I actually dug the 3 way better then the final matchup which was fine, but a bit disappointing. Mostly because I thought Danielson ate too many finishers and time should have been cut from it. Pass.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Jimmy Rave vs Davey Richards vs Delirious vs Samoa Joe Throwdown 6/23/06

That was a fun match. Good comedy, action, and a good story with everybody kicking Richards ass with Rave sneaking in cheap shots. The result surprised me but other then that, this is in the rewatch pile.

Mark & Jay Briscoe vs Austin Aries & Roderick Strong Ring of Homicide 5/13/06

Damn, this was actually pretty awesome. Where the hell did that come from? I don’t remember the Destiny match being this good. Granted it is not a deep match, but everything just flows together. Definenate keeper. And I am also going to rewatch there Destiny match just to make sure my first assessment was right.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Jay Briscoe vs Austin Aries How We Roll 5/12/06

I’m on the fence on this. You have some good agression in the beginning and you have some good arm work and selling throughout. I think I am just not finding that standout moment to really grab me. I feel the match was structurally sound enough to give it a rewatch.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Austin Aries and Roderick Strong vs Jimmy Rave and Alex Shelley Weekend of Champions Night 2 4/29/06

Another really good match involving these people. Had some really fun comedy and pretty damn good control section with the Embassy. It’s just too bad that control section went too long and ended with Haze kind of sentoning on Shelly. Needs a rewatch.

Christopher Daniels vs Alex Shelley Best in the World 3/25/06

Finally found this. This was actually pretty good. Nothing wrong per se, but it is a match that is not really that deep. They do some stuff and it is fine, but it is not something you should go out of your way for. No.

KENTA VS Samoa Joe VS Bryan Danielson In Your Face 6/17/06

I really liked this, but it did have its problems. There were control issues at points where people who should have been in control weren’t, and you had KENTA getting knocked out earlier in the match and Danielson hurting his leg later on. There also a bit too much setup on some spots in the middle, but that’s kind of to be expected in a 3-way. Definatley good enough for a rewatch all things considered.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Homicide vs. Chris Hero In Your Face 6/17/06

It’s a good match, but it went on too long. Granted the crowd elevated this match, but by why in the hell was this match not hate-filled. Hero takes Julius Smokes out and they kind of do a match that you could have just as easily seen in a throwaway midcard match, not in the CZW vs ROH feud. It’s good, but this match has too many detractors. No.

Jimmy Jacobs VS BJ Whitmer In You Face 6/17/06

This is a tough one. This was definatley a fun match, but a bit uneven. You have the beginning and the end which were pretty hate-filled and then you have the middle which was just a regular match. In DGC, they at least started as a normal match and built into these two trying to kill each other at the end. The only reason I’m going to give this another shot is because of the powerbomb into the crowd but I feel they have a better match in them.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Austin Aries/Roderick Strong vs Jay Briscoe/Mark Briscoe Destiny 6/03/06

This is a tough one. Part of it is that the crowd seemed lukewarm for most of it because of Danielson/Homicide. Another part was that it went too long even though it was under 20 minutes. This is a good match, but the lack of story tips this into the no column.

Bryan Danielson vs. Homicide Destiny 6/03/06

This held up pretty well. Homicide did some great selling through 90% of the match although he kind of ignored it near the end. Better match for Danielson because he had a better opponent to work with. Keep.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Jimmy Rave vs Davey Richards Destiny 6/03/06

And the legend of Davey Richards begins, for better or worse. This match was actually pretty good and was this over right out of the gate. Hell, he even carried himself like he was hot shit. The match served as a contrast of styles that really made Davey shine. Some of Davey’s comebacks were a bit too quick, but that issue was minor. I going to put it on rewatch just get a better sense of the story.

Homicide VS Necro Butcher Ring of Homicide 5/13/06

This is a tough match to judge. This was an OK brawl until the chair riot where they both literally wrestle in the sea of chairs which was just lunacy. I can’t even tell you if this was a good match or not. Still, this was a hell of a spectacle. So yes, this needs to be rewatched.

Bryan Danielson vs. Delirious Ring of Homicide 5/13/06

So I can’t find Embassy vs Roderick Strong and Austin Aries or Jay Briscoe vs Austin Aries. Nor can I find the Briscoes vs Roderick Strong and Austin Aries from Ring of Homicide. Bummer.

Good match, but many issues. The beginning could have been cut along with the unnecessary armwork and Danielson’s control section should have been cut by a couple minutes. Delirious show some good hate, but then the CZW fans reared there ugly head and Danielson seemed to preoccuoied by them. So 0 for 2 on Delrious/Danielson.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Nigel McGuinness VS Bryan Danielson Weekend of Champions Night 2 4/29/06

As the beginning of this great rivalry, this was very good. Had some swank arm work and it was sold well. There did seem to be issues when it came to control. What I mean is that when people are supposed to be in peril they take back control a bit too quick and several times during the match. They do have a better match in them but this a good start. Rewatch.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Matt Sydal vs Christopher Daniels Weekend of Champions Night 2 4/29/06

Damn this was better then I thought it would be. More motivated Daniels match and some really good Daniels selling. Considering I didn’t think Daniels had it anymore, I’m pleasently surprised. This is barely on the rewatch list because of some execution issues in the beginning and little BAF in the end.

Claudio Castagnoli, Super Dragon, Necro Butcher, & Nate Webb vs. Adam Pearce, Ace Steel, Colt Cabana, & BJ Whitmer CZW vs. ROH 8 Man, Anything Goes Weekend of Champions Night 1 4/28/06

This match is every bit as good as the 100th show match. Just a chaotic ECWish brawl. BJ probably could have sold his neck better and Pearce and Webb kind of disappeared from the match, but it would be a good idea to compare and contrast the two CZW vs ROH brawls. Keep.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Matt Sydal & Samoa Joe vs Austin Aries & Roderick Strong Weekend of Champions Night 1 4/28/06

It looked good on paper, but it turned out to be pretty bland. Especially the control sections which just seemed to never end. Skip.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Bryan Danielson vs Jimmy Yang ROH World Title Match Weekend of Champions Night 1 4/28/06

Pretty nothing match to be honest. The only stuff that really stood out was a couple Yang kicks. Other then that it is skippable.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Samoa Joe, BJ Whitmer, & Adam Pearce vs. Chris Hero, Necro Butcher, & Super Dragon The 100th Show 4/22/06

Well that was chaotic. It is everything that you would want from an interpromotional brawl. There was some stuff that probably could have been taken out for selling purposes (Joe’s sidewalk slam through the table on Super Dragon), and this match just seems to be missing something to me. It is still a firecracker of a match and needs a rewatch.

Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. AJ Styles & Matt Sydal The 100th Show 4/22/06

Meh, not as great as it looked on paper. It was fine at points, but it failed to really grab me. Maybe, I thought the match would be a little more even. Good, not great.

And while I’m at it, I going to put the Aries/Strong vs Styles/Sydal match from the 4th Anniversary show on the rewatch pile.

Bryan Danielson vs Delirious ROH World Title Match The 100th show 4/22/06

It was fine. The shenanigans with Dragon in the beginning could have been cut in the beginning. I just would have preferred that match was all the stuff in the second half. Again it was fine, but I feel they have a better match in them. No.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Colt Cabana vs. Homicide Chicago Street Fight Better Than Our Best 4/1/06

Not as good as there February match, but still pretty crazy. The match did go a bit too long and had some finisher overkill, but it had a lot of great callback spots from the feud. Keep.

Bryan Danielson vs. Lance Storm Better Than Our Best 4/1/06

You know what, I liked this. It had some good mat wrestling and it had good desperation from Storm to get out of predicaments. I don’t know if it will hold up on rewatch, but it definitely deserves a second look. Keep.

Austin Aries & Roderick Strong vs. CIMA & Naruki Doi Better Than Our Best 4/1/06

Better then I thought it would be. This a little more going for it with Aries getting his busted nose worked over. Plus, the finishing stretch didn’t really have the no selling tendencies that the 6 mans did. Not by any means perfect, but this match offered more. Keep.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

AJ Styles VS Samoa Joe VS Jimmy Yang VS Christopher Daniels Better Than Our Best 4/1/06

We are 0 for 2 on Better than Our Best. Daniels and Yang were in there too much to really make this feel special. No.

Jimmy Rave, Alex Shelley, & Masato Yoshino vs. Do Fixer Better Than Our Best 4/1/06

It’s a good match but not high end. First third didn’t work for me (except for Yoshino hitting Saito with a roll of toilet paper). Second third was fun with the Embassy controlling. Last third was the DG finishing run where no one really sells down the stretch. The Blood Generation 6-mans had a little more going for it. Close but no cigar. No.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Bryan Danielson vs. Roderick Strong Supercard of Honor 3/31/06

It was better then I thought it would be and my hopes weren’t high. The problem, it went 55 minutes and there really didn’t seem to be a thread from one section to the other. The sections separately were good, together it just didn’t fit. There was just no story there for more then half of it. And for as long as it was, there was finisher overkill down the stretch. I just can’t watch this again. No.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Blood Generation vs. Do Fixer Supercard of Honor 3/31/06

Oh, the last 5 star match of ROH or so claims the Wrestling Observer. Is it overated? Yes. I pretty much have the same issues with this match that I did with Blood Generation/Generation Next. I guess this match had the better 1st 2/3rds, but both matches had wrestlers not selling the last move during the home stretch. The only reason I’m going to rewatch this is to double check to see if I was right the first time. Very real possibility I may not put this on the list

AJ Styles & Matt Sydal vs. Austin Aries & Jack Evans Supercard of Honor 3/31/06

Pretty good match. However, I didn’t find it as exciting as some of the matches from Dragon Gate Challenge. It’s not bad, it is just that I have gotten rid of better matches. No.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Christopher Daniels vs. Samoa Joe Dragon Gate Challenge 3/30/06

It was OK. Lacked desperation from Daniels to really put over that he wanted that victory against Joe. As an aside, Daniels was no where in Joe’s league. No.

Blood Generation vs. Generation Next Dragon Gate Challenge 3/30/06

This did not turn out as great as I thought it would. You had the first 2/3rds of the match which were fine, but a bit meandering. Then you had the last third which was a fun stretch, but nothing was being sold. This feels more like a match that would barely sneak onto a list then a top 30 ROH match. It’s on the rewatch pile, but I don’t know if this will hold up.

Dragon Kid/Genki Horiguchi vs AJ Styles/Matt Sydal Dragon Gate Challenge 3/30/06

The DG in ROH era begins and I did not expect this to rule as much as it did. If this did not have the botched déjà vu, this would be a MOTYC. Definitely a better DG showcase then Styles/CIMA. On to Blood Generation.

Jimmy Rave/Alex Shelley vs Bryan Danielson/Delirious Dragon Gate Challenge 3/30/06

A whole lot of nothing until the final stretch. Just not a lot of interesting stuff happening. Easy no.

Friday, July 29, 2011

BJ Whitmer vs. Jimmy Jacobs Dragon Gate Challenge 3/30/06

A tale of two halves. I understand the first half tends to be a bit slow, but this went slower then usual and did not have a lot of direction. Then Jacobs and Whitmer begin to kill themselves, especially Jacobs, and it becomes awesome. And yes, the apron powerbomb was lunatic. I don’t think this will hold up as well the farther I get along, but it is good enough to keep for now.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

KENTA & Naomichi Marufuji vs. Bryan Danielson & Samoa Joe Best in the World 3/25/06

There was no reason this should have went 30+ minutes. I wish this had more Joe/KENTA exchanges because those two really brought it. Danielson was a fine FIP, and Marufuji did stuff. So looking at his ROH stuff so far, I am 95% certain Marufuji is not going to age well. Reminds of the Strong/Evans vs Briscoes. Evans shady, everyone else on there game. I feel this was the better match, so I will rewatch it.

Roderick Strong & Jack Evans vs. Jay & Mark Briscoe Best in the World 3/25/06

This is a close one. This match is making me regret not listing Whitmer/Jacobs vs Evans/Strong from 2005. That was a better match then this one. Yet I feel this is listable because how great the middle of the match is. It did feel like at points that Evans was dragging the match down with his awkward offense. Listable, barely.

Nigel McGuiness vs Claudio Castagnoli ROH Pure Title Match Best in the World 3/25/06

Can’t find Shelly/Daniels. May be for the best.

Meh, I was expecting better. I liked the uppercuts and the final lariat, but they were repeating moves and using overkill in a match that was under 15 minutes. Just didn’t dig it. Pass.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Bryan Danielson vs. Alex Shelley Arena Warfare 3/11/06

For a match that went 30+ minutes, there wasn’t much substance to the match. I think what bothered me the most was how easy the transitions were. Kind of felt like a spotfest at points. The ending was great, but too little too late. No.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Matt Sydal vs Austin Aries Arena Warfare 3/11/06

It was alright. All the headlock stuff in the beginning didn’t do anything for me and I feel the match should have been shortened. No.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Austin Aries/Roderick Strong vs. AJ Styles/Matt Sydal 4th Anniversary Show 2/25/06

This is a good match, but the pace was uneven at points. A lot of death moves, but they really didn’t sell it for as long as I would have liked. All I know is that I have 9 nominated matches in the first two months and in the end, I have to let this go.

Bryan Danielson vs. Jimmy Rave 4th Anniversary Show 2/25/06

This was a sweet match. Rave’s chops and elbows were great in this match and he showed me that he could hang on the mat. The only complaints I can think about is that it got a little back and forth at points and that Dragon’s MMA elbows are still not there yet. Keep.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Homicide vs. Colt Cabana Ghetto Street Fight Fourth Anniversary Show 2/25/06

This shit was crazy. Best match I’ve seen so far. These two are great brawlers and Colt sold his blood loss like a champ. Very hate-filled and violent. Possible top 10 match unless it gets even better.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Jimmy Rave/Adam Pearce vs Bryan Danielson/CM Punk Unscripted II 2/11/06

This one is teetering on the line. You have fun control sections from both teams and Rave and Pearce make a good team. There was this stretch in the beginning for a minute or two where they did a poor job of reseting the match. The issue is near the end where the match slowed down and Punk botched a hurricarana. Plus, Punk’s Olympic Hell Anaconda Vice was not popping the crowd. Other then that, it is a really solid tag match. Another keeper.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Nigel McGuinness vs. Austin Aries Unscripted II 2/11/06

About halfway through the match, this looked like the best match I had seen in 06 so far. But, then a couple issues reared its ugly head. There was the rope breaks which didn’t really need to be there. Especially one where Nigel was pulled to the ropes. Aries selling of the arm was pretty great, but the match was too back and forth at points. I still really liked it and is on the rewatch list.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

AJ Styles vs. Bryan Danielson Dissension 1/28/06

It took a bit to get going, but I liked it. It got interesting when Danielson worked on AJ’s nose and all the shots in this match were snug. Both are better then what they were in 02-03, but this is another match which could have been shortened. Good enough to keep for now.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Austin Aries & Roderick Strong vs Bryan Danielson & Jay Lethal Tag Wars 1/27/06

Fun, but felt directionless and unimportant for a tag title match. It felt like more of a setup for Strong/Danielson 3. I thought the last 6-man had enough fun stuff that I can discard this match. No.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Jimmy Rave/Alex Shelley/Abyss vs Jimmy Yang/Jack Evans/Matt Sydal Tag Wars 1/27/06

I’m not even sure this better then the semi final. The match lacked urgency and would have been best to cut time out. Enough fun stuff for a rewatch, but not a hidden classic.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Low Ki vs Christopher Daniels Tag Wars 1/27/06

This was OK I guess. Would have liked this matchup in 2003. It felt like Low Ki was lowering himself to Daniels level. I don’t think Daniels is a great ROH singles wrestler as of this moment. Maybe there is a good tag with him, but his focus seems to be on TNA. No.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

BJ Whitmer/Jimmy Jacobs/Adam Pearce vs Jimmy Yang/Jack Evans/Matt Sydal Tag Wars 1/27/06

Very fun. Fast energetic sub 10 minute match with nothing I can really point out that is wrong with it. May not stand out down the line, but there has just been a sweet amount of quality so far. Keep.

Bryan Danielson vs. Chris Hero Hell Freezes Over 1/14/06

For a match I was told was not going to be any good, this held up really well. Man, was Hero’s arm work fucking incredible. Dragon sold the arm work well, although the ending kind of negated everything. Your mileage may vary when it comes to the beginning. Some will say it’s slow, others may feel it is good defensive wrestling. I don’t as of yet, but I feel it is one of Dragon’s 3 best title defenses so far. Rewatch.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

AJ Stlyes vs. Matt Sydal Hell Freezes Over 1/14/06

Very fun match. Felt like a match you would see in TNA. I think Sydal should have sold the neck for all its worth. Not that he didn’t, I think the match would have been possibly an “ROH top 10 of 06” match if he really showed more vulnerability. As is, it’s defiantly very good and is on the list right now.

Best ROH match of 2005

1. Samoa Joe vs. Kenta Kobashi Joe vs. Kobashi 10/1/05
2. Bryan Danielson vs. James Gibson Glory By Honor IV 9/17/05
3. Low-Ki vs. KENTA Final Battle 2005 12/17/05
4. Generation Next vs. The Embassy War Games Cage Match Steel Cage Warfare 12/3/05
5. Austin Aries vs Samoa Joe ROH World Title Match 3rd Year Anniversary Part 3 2/26/05
6. Jay Lethal vs. Samoa Joe Steel Cage Warfare 12/3/05
7. Matt Hardy VS Roderick Strong ROH Punk: The Final Chapter 8/13/05
8. Alex Shelley/Delirious vs Generation Next ROH Nowhere to Run 5/14/05
9. Spanky and CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe and Jay Lethal Back to Basics 3/12/05
10. Austin Aries, Roderick Strong and Jack Evans vs. Jimmy Rave, Alex Shelley and Abyss Six Man War Buffalo Stampede 10/15/05
11. Kenta Kobashi & Homicide vs. Samoa Joe & Low-Ki Unforgettable 10/2/05
12. Bryan Danielson VS Austin Aries Enter the Dragon 10/14/05
13. James Gibson vs. Black Tiger ROH Manhattan Mayhem 5/7/05
14. Bryan Danielson vs. Roderick Strong This Means War 10/29/05
15. Samoa Joe and Bryan Danielson vs. Jack Evans and Austin Aries ROH Third Anniversary Celebration Part 2 2/25/05
16. CM Punk vs Jay Lethal ROH World Title Match Sign of Dishonor 7/8/05
17. Jimmy Rave/Alex Shelley/Abyss vs Austin Aries/Roderick Strong/Matt Sydal ROH Redemption 8/12/05
18. Samoa Joe vs. Colt Cabana vs. Nigel McGuiness vs. Alex Shelley ROH Double Stakes Four-Corner Survival Match Stalemate 4/16/05
19. CM Punk vs. James Gibson ROH Fate of An Angel 7/16/05
20. Roderick Strong vs. James Gibson Unforgettable 10/2/05
21. Bryan Danielson vs Rocky Romero ROH World Title Match Steel Cage Warfare 12/3/05
22. James Gibson vs. Austin Aries ROH World Title Match Stalemate 4/16/05
23. Jimmy Rave & Alex Shelley vs Samoa Joe & Jay Lethal Enter the Dragon 10/14/05
24. CM Punk vs. Jimmy Rave Cage Match ROH Nowhere To Run 5/14/05
25. Samoa Joe & Jay Lethal vs. Low-Ki & Homicide ROH Punk: The Final Chapter 8/13/05
26. Bryan Danielson vs. Spanky ROH Best of the American Super-Juniors Tournament 4/2/05
27. Alex Shelley vs. Claudio Castagnoli This Means War 10/29/05
28. Austin Aries vs. James Gibson ROH The Final Showdown 5/13/05
29. Low Ki vs. Jay Lethal Fight without Honor Glory By Honor IV 9/17/05 (1st match)
30. Jimmy Rave VS AJ Styles ROH 3rd Year Anniversary Part 2 2/25/05
31. AJ Styles vs. Roderick Strong ROH Fate of An Angel 7/16/05
32. CM Punk vs. Christopher Daniels ROH Title ROH The Homecoming 7/23/05
33. Jay Lethal vs BJ Whitmer vs Christopher Daniels vs Samoa Joe Final Battle 2005 12/17/05

Danielson/Strong I 3rd watch

This is 70% a great match with kind of an odd final 30%.  Like that final 30% felt like it went longer then it should have.  What I mean is that the final 11 minutes could have gone half the time if they made some effort to push the pace.  Even then I thought they could have brought it home sooner.  As is, this is the better Danielson/Strong match, but what could have been if they shaved some time.  Listable.  Final list coming soon.    

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Danielson/Aries 3 3rd watch

Holds up pretty well.  Austin’s control section lacked a purpose, but was still enjoyable.  The second best Danielson singles match of 05 (still have Strong/Danielson I).  A match like this would have stuck out more in 02, but in 05 there are many better matches.  Keep.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Ki/Homicide vs Joe/Lethal 3rd watch

Still too many flaws.  Even with the frantic beginning, it takes a bit too really get going and some stuff doesn’t come off as well as it should.  Good control section, but not as brutal as I would have liked.  The ending run was fun, but went a bit too long.  Post match stuff is fun, but needed better selling.  Reminds me of Rave/Punk.  Has that rough charm to it, but is not really great.  Keep.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Rave/Shelly/Abyss vs Aries/Strong/Sydal 3rd watch

It was a little back and forth in the beginning but held up well.  This and the poor transition into Aries control section prevent this from being elite level.  Keeper.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Punk/Gibson 3rd watch

I still don’t understand why a match involving blood loss got 28 minutes.  I felt like the match got worse the farther it got.  Punk’s arm selling was OK, and Gibson’s blood loss selling was real good.  Still, this was stretched out far too long and stuff should have been cut from this match that would not have affected the quality and may have improved it.  Not to say I didn’t like it, but I’ve seen better versions of matches involving blood loss.  Listworthy. 

Friday, June 17, 2011

Joe/Aries 3 3rd watch

Good match, but lacking a purpose.  The February match had way more to offer then this one.  Get it you are a completist but this is not listworthy.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Rave/Punk Cage Match 3rd watch

This still has too many flaws and just isn’t consistently great enough to be a classic.  Listworthy but not the greatest cage match. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Aries/Gibson 2 3rd watch

I’ve noticed this time that this takes a while to get going.  Combined with the lukewarm crowd heat for a title match and I’m confident that there first match was better.  Yes, this was the smarter match with Gibson’s arm selling, but the excitement doesn’t feel sustained for as long of a period of time as the first half of the Stalemate match.  Stalemate had the better first half, while The Final Showdown had the better second half.  Combine the good of both those matches and you have a MOTYC.  Separately, there are too many flaws in both matches to be that great.  This match, there is enough cool stuff to be included on the list, but it’s not a classic.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Danielson/Spanky 3rd watch

Stuff needed to be cut out at the end.  Especially, the arm work and the sharpshooter at the end.  It held up better this time, but still not great.  I can say with confidence that this match is listable.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Joe/Walker/Danielson vs Gibson/Spanky/McGuinness 3rd watch

For the third time, this was good.  But I still don’t see a high end match here.  Didn’t have a standout moment in it, and wasn’t cohesive enough throughout.  It is alright, but I have to say no.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Ki/KENTA rewatch

Holds up really well on rewatch.  The middle looked more like a ware down section as apposed to working the ribs.  Some strikes were kind of no sold which led to eventual transitions.  I do think they gave themselves enough time to not make it come off as no selling.  It could go as high #3, but I need to look through everything and do my 3rd watches.  I think I’m going to give Joe/Aries 3 one more look.

Daniels/BJ/Lethal/Joe rewatch

This was fun but not great.  The story was Joe trying to get his hands on Lethal which was built up well.  This was match that has some of my pet peeves when it comes to wrestling matches.  You got a fighting spirit spots in the beginning (at least it was the beginning), you got work on the back which wasn’t sold in the middle (doesn’t make sense to do body part in a 4-way sprint), and there was back and forth during the home stretch (which is normal in a 4-way).  There is enough good in it to keep this. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

GenNext/Embassy War Games Cage Match rewatch

Sweet match.  First 5 minutes were still slow, but then Shelly got in and ruled it.  Sydal came in and was running things for a little bit.  Abyss came in and tore shit up.  Strong was fun, Nana was a great coward, and Evans dies for our pleasure.  Holds up, but I’m not 100% if it’s top 5.  I need to think this over. 

Joe/Lethal II rewatch

I totally feel this is better then there first match.  All the work was really solid and the Lethal turn which led to the leg work was pretty great.  They didn’t build this like a Midsouth turn, but sprung in the turn at the midway point to surprise.  Possible top 10 fro ROH 05.  Keeper.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Rocky/Danielson rewatch

This held up pretty well.  Didn’t overstay its welcome and was pretty intense.  Both could have done better on there selling.  Other then that it was fun.  Not top ten worthy, but it is a keeper.

Danielson/Daniels II rewatch (ANOT)

I think this is there second match.  I felt like the first half was just filler.  Got interesting when Daniels got cut and led to a good finishing stretch.  The elbow striking stunk.  Daniels were bad and Dragon was lowering himself to Daniels level.  Plus considering that Daniels had already had a match earlier, there was no reason this should have went close to 30 minutes.  No.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Aries/Styles/Evans/Sydal vs. Rave/Shelley/Abyss/Nana 8-Man War rewatch

Had its moments, but was an uneven match.  Time could have been cut, spots could have been executed better, the layout could have been rearranged, could have changed up the gimmick, etc.  I’ve seen better Embassy matches.  No.

Strong/Danielson II rewatch

47 minutes was way too fuckin long.  Especially in the first half where you didn’t get a sense of where the match was going.  They could have cut a chunk out of that and the match would have been better.  You also had YTMT and BAF in it which didn’t help.  Roderick’s selling continued to be pretty good and the match was pretty hate filled and stiff.  Still, I least saw a greatness in there first matchup.  Not hear unfortunately.  No.

Joe/Daniels 3 rewatch (Vendetta)

I think this there third in ROH.  This took too long to get going.  Joe did well in carrying this with his leg selling, but there seemed to be a bit of YTMT behavior from Daniels.  Best match between these two, but they never really clicked together for me.  No.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sabin/Danielson rewatch

Inconsistent match.  Danielson was carrying Sabin through this match who seemed to be off at several points.  Sabin’s back selling kind of sucked.  Would sell during the beat down, but would just run through his offense as if nothing happened.  Danielson’s neck selling was wishy-washy.  He did do good selling it down the stretch.  Still, this match doesn’t feel important enough to warrant you see this, unless you are a completist.  No.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Strong/Danielson I rewatch

Too long.  Could have cut 5-10 minutes from this and it would have been a much tighter match and probably top 10.  It’s not like the leg work in the end wasn’t bad, but it had nothing to do with the finish.  Strong’s selling was alright.  The arm work wasn’t worked on much so I could live with him not selling it the rest of the match.  His leg selling was also very good.  Danielson didn’t really sell Rod’s back work.  It was similar to Gibson’s selling in the Gibson/Strong Unforgettable match.  I’m not exactly thrilled with Strong’s “backbreaker” offense being sold like Bret Hart’s 5 moves of doom.  I’ll give this one more shot.  Same for Danielson/Aries 3.  

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Shelly/Claudio rewatch

This is definitely fun, but kind of lacked urgency and the selling was flimsy (one body part related).  The issues I said in my first review are the same.  The charisma and sweet mat wrestling carried this to the list.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Gen Next/Embassy 6 man war rewatch

Super fun brawl.  I’m surprised that it doesn’t get more love.  The only complaints I could say are the one ladder botch (already said) and the crowd being in and out of it at points. May not be top 10 for ROH 05, but a pleasant surprise.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Danielson/Aries 3 rewatch

Easily better then there May match.  Aries sold his arm better then he should have and it came full circle in the end.  I do feel like they should have cut Austin’s control section out.  If not, then it should have been the first control section.  Compared to Dragon’s control section, this felt inferior.  Flawed match, but listable.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Embassy vs Joe/Lethal rewatch

This had a really fun beginning, a solid if a bit long middle, and a sweet if a bit “back and forth” ending.  You could do worse.  Listable.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Kobashi/Homicide vs Joe/Ki rewatch

This is still pretty awesome.  Homicide still bothered me, but it wasn’t as bad as before.  I don’t think this is the best ROH tag, but it is up there.  Keeper.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Strong/Gibson II rewatch

This is better then there first match based on Strong being better in this.  However, Gibson’s selling was not Gibson-like.  Like he didn’t make the back work the big deal it should have been.  Thank god Strong sold his hand by not doing chops, because it probably would have went the same direction as Punk/Aries.  Just to add to the pain, there was a tiny bit of “back and forth” in the beginning.  It is listable, but I don’t think this going to be top 10 for ROH 05.

RIP Macho Man

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Joe/Kobashi rewatch

Pretty much holds up.  I see Kobashi’s restholds as a means of bringing the crowd so they explode later on in the match.  I didn’t like it, but I understood it.  There were tiny little comebacks which were quick, but were effectively neutralized a few moments later.  So no “back and forth”, but they were close.  Everything else is still awesome.  Possible #1 right now.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Yang/Gibson rewatch

Felt more like a “spot rest spot”.  Good for what it was, but not listable.  No.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Danielson/Gibson rewatch

This is a high end slow building match.  Good progression, good revenge spots, and a smart ending.  Disregard the argument I made on the crowd heat.  I was wrong there.  Gibson’s arm selling was good although, he did have a stretch near the end where he kind of no-sold it.  Other then that he was fine.  #1 right now.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ki/Lethal (1st match) FWH rewatch

This held up pretty well.  This match was built up pretty well and the ending ended when it needed to.  The table spot and Lethal coming back with basic suplexes were really the only detractors.  On the list.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Colt/Nigel Soccer Riot Match rewatch

Most definitely a good fun match.  High end match of the year?  No.  I feel the match was layed out in a way where the the end run was not as hot as it could have been.  I won’t complain if someone likes it, just not cream of the crop.  No.

Hardy/Strong rewatch

This match does feel top 10 worthy for ROH 05.  Just felt like there was no wasted motion in this with maybe an exception to Roddy’s chop the post spot.  Even then, Hardy didn’t really work on the hand.  Rod’s leg selling and Hardy’s back selling were both great and the ending was logical.  Either #1 or #2 right now.  We will see.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Ki/Homicide vs Joe/Lethal rewatch

This held up much better on rewatch except for two things.  One, Homicide.  He had some miscommunication with Lethal at points in the beginning and his lack of selling post-match was very aggravating.  Other then that, his selling during the match was fine.  Two, time could have been cut from it.  The Lethal control section was a bit too long and I think they could have shaved part of the ending.  I think this needs one more rewatch, but it is in right now.

Rave/Aries rewatch

This was an Aries carry job.  Rave, does not know how to carry a middle.  Plus, his punches tended to look like crap at points and at other points good at different points in the match.  Why that’s the case, I don’t know.  Aries sells his ribs like a million.  Why he didn’t sell his neck at all in the match against Punk, I don’t know.  I am getting more of a “good smackdown match” vibe from this.  Not bad, but it doesn’t really feel like cream of the crop material.  No.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Rave/Shelly/Abyss vs Aries/Strong/Sydal rewatch

I am in the “solid” crowd for this.  I don’t know what it is, but I feel like they could have cut some time from the Embassy control section.  You also have the over the top rope botch with Aries which looked really bad.  This may need a third rewatch.  Right now, I feel it belongs in.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Punk/Daniels rewatch

It’s still very good.  Daniel’s selling is the only issue with this, but it is a huge problem when the story involves dueling body part work.  However, the work from each wrestler on there body parts was compelling.  Not the underrated classic I thought, but still listable.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Punk/Gibson rewatch

OK, the first issue I want to get off my chest is that if your title contender got busted open earlier in the evening, then you shouldn’t be having a match that goes 28 minutes.  I also feel that you could have done the same match without having to do the pre-match storyline.  With that out of the way, this match is very good, but flabby at 28 minutes.  Punk’s arm selling was better then I thought (my bad) and Gibson’s sold exhaustion well.  It did get long in the tooth at the end with the submissions and I’m still not high on fighting spirit.  Reminds me of the Spanky/Danielson match.  I feel this is just a touch better.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Styles/Strong rewatch

Pretty much the same criticisms as last time.  AJ’s back selling was nonexistent and some YTMT stuff.  Other then that this was a tight little match and the back stuff wasn’t the whole story.  Falls in the same pattern as Gibson/Aries 1, but below it.  Keeper.

Joe/Aries 3 rewatch

This is the worst of the three, but even then it is still a very good match.  The issue is that this tended to get methodical at points and I felt like the rope breaks were kind of shoehorned.  This is still a keeper.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Punk/Lethal rewatch

I liked the beginning where Lethal tried to go for the kill early and Punk doing everything he can to avoid getting back in the ring.  Punk’s neck was meh, but Jay sold the neck well until about the end.  Punk being a dick and using the muscle buster and choke was aces.  There are tiny little issues here and there but this is listable. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Aries/Punk DBD3 rewatch

Flawed match.  The neck selling from both was crappy.  Especially Aries because he had his neck worked over for 10 minutes and was supposed to be the focus of the match.  It is good for what it is, but as of right now I don’t think the story was executed in a manner to keep it on the nominated list.  No, but I may rewatch.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Aries/Ki II rewatch

Yeah, not that good of match.  It kind of reminded me of the Joe/Nigel match, but without the good selling.  Ki was striking well, but didn’t really push the pace of the match forward.  Easy no.  

Friday, April 29, 2011

Joe/Nigel rewatch

Meh, it was alright I guess.  Joe’s arm selling was good, but this match didn’t strike me as being that compelling.  There were moments like Joe booting Nigel into the security guy, but it really didn’t serve a purpose in the grand scheme of things.  Nigel throwing away his finishing submission for a second rope break didn’t help matters.  Add the lack of energy to the crowd, and I can safely cut this. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Punk/Rave rewatch

The big issue with the beginning is that I felt that Punk was a little too aware that he was alone with Rave.  He didn’t show the necessary aggression when it came to destroying Rave.  It was good, but it didn’t carry the heat that it had pre-match.  The middle was about same, but made sense with Rave getting his revenge spots for the ass kicking he took earlier along with the occasional escape opportunity.  The ending had Jade and Nana interfering which actually made the match better.  The top cage superplex was painful, but again, why do it in the corner where the cage door is?  Although I complained at points, there really isn’t anything wrong with this and I feel this is barely good enough to be on the list. 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Danielson/Aries 2 rewatch

Kind of felt like a throwaway title match.  The first half filler and then got interesting with the arm work, but Danielson really didn’t sell it and was dropped altogether.  Got fun in the end, but airplane spin into the crucifix bomb was crap.  Easy no.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Strong/Evans vs Delirious/Shelly rewatch

Man, this held up way better then I thought it would.  Honestly, this may be the best tag match I’ve seen in ROH 05 so far.  There were minor issues at points.  There are tiny weird ones like the Osaka Pro Wrestling ref not seeing a tag or a little bit of waiting/selling when it came to some of the moves.  The ones that are a little bigger are the section where Gen Next gets control and some moves that were not hit 100% cleanly.  Other then that, this had Evans pissing off the Chicago audience, Evans getting stretched, a sweet Gen Next control section, and a swanky finishing stretch that ended at the right time.  Better then Joe/Aries 2?  I may have been a little overdramatic on the ending although the low blow no sell still sucked.  In the end, this tag is #2 right now.   

Friday, April 22, 2011

Aries/Gibson II rewatch

OK, the best way I can describe this is that the first match was more exciting and had an energetic atmosphere, while this match was worked smarter but was quieter.  But I feel the big issue here is the crowd heat.  Sure, the crowd popped for certain moments, but a lot of the work didn’t come as big.  But yeah, the crowd is just throwing me off.  If this had the heat of the Stalemate match, it probably would have been a better match.  There is still some fighting stuff I didn’t like and some finishers wouldn’t put over as big of a deal as it should be, but as is, I can barely put it on the list.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Aries/Shelly rewatch

Wasn’t feeling it this time.  The first third wasn’t much, and the middle didn’t really mean anything at the end.  Good final third, mostly for the hot crowd.  But yeah, another top 40 match which doesn’t hold up.  Definitely no.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Joe/Lethal I rewatch

I’m not exactly enthused by this.  I had issues with both competitors in this.  Lethal seemed to be lost at points and didn’t really push the action when he needed to.  His chops were great, but his forearms sucked.  Joe, well, he didn’t really sell the neck work.  Possibly may flip flop on this, but I’m not feeling this.  No for now.

Whitmer/Jacobs vs Evans/Strong rewatch

This was a good spotfest but not as great on rewatch.  Some moves didn’t turn as well as I thought and the finisher overkill was more egregious this time.  Jeshuss’s control section wasn’t much to write home about considering it was Jack Evans, while Gen Next’s was better, but had a doomsday device that took forever to set up.  I thought this was good, but I have seen better tags.  Plus, I need to weed the list down.  Slight no. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

BT/Gibson rewatch

Better then I thought it would be.  I mean BT’s control section kind of sucked and didn’t really try to sell the early back work but Gibson carried the match.  Not super great, but I really liked it.  Keeper.

Aries/Gibson I rewatch

Not as back and forth as I remember, but it had some shady back selling from Gibson.  Sold when in control, but was kind of ignored afterwards.  The part with the brainbusters should have just ended when they each hit one.  The ending was weird in that Aries had Gibson dead to rights and then Gibson gets a small package for a double pin.  I think it would have worked better if the roles were reversed.   Otherwise, I really liked this and is #3 right now.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Joe/Nigel/Colt/Shelly rewatch

1st fall- The matwork was still fun. Each combination was fun and kept a good pace. Joe was kind of lax when it came to the hot tag, but it set up a fun finishing run.

2nd fall- Nigel/Shelly was better on rewatch. It felt like a shortened version of Shelly/Punk but with the counter-intuitive ending of Lethal/Spanky. This fall was shorter so Nigel not selling the neck wasn’t too bad. Shelly did sell his arm which makes me happy. Alex does, however, need to stop treating his Border City Stretch as a throwaway move as well as stop with the finishing submission trading. It wouldn’t bother me so much if there was more struggle to the finishing submission trading.

In all, not as great as I first thought, but it does deserve to be on the list.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lethal/Spanky rewatch

Not really memorable.  Jay sold his arm well, Spanky sold the back a little and then said “Fuck it” to infuriate me.  Really counter-intuitive when the finish was a boston crab through the ropes.  Wasn’t really getting a wow factor when working over the body parts.  Easy no.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Gibson/Strong I rewatch

First 5 minutes were kind of there.  The back work was alright, but Gibson sold the work for all its worth.  I think they should have ended it on the guillotine choke instead of extending it to a stronghold into a roll up.  But, I wish for finishers to be treated as finishers.  The match lacked that spark and that moment to really make it memorable.  Danielson/Spanky is somewhat similar but they were working at a better pace and both of them held up there end.  I feel Roderick was green at points, and unless it is really outstanding, I tend to not give too much love to carry jobs.  No.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Danielson/Spanky rewatch

I still don’t know why people think this is a top 50 ROH match.  I feel like they could cut some time from this and would have gotten the same result.  Especially the arm work because A. Spanky was not going to sell it , B. it didn’t effect the finish, and C. it felt out of place.  On top of that, I’m getting more of a solid vibe as apposed to a great vibe from this match.  Nothing really wowed me.  It is better then Rave/Styles so for that, it is on the list.    

Punk/Spanky vs Joe/Lethal rewatch

Totally was expecting this to suck, and turned out to be really swank on rewatch.  This match felt like a match that deserved to go 26 minutes and was built accordingly.  However, Spanky’s selling was non-existent.  Lethal’s selling was okay and I am still trying to figure out why Stevie Richards is there.  Again, it wasn’t bad, but it was bizarre.  Total keeper. 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Joe/Walker/Danielson vs Gibson/Spanky/McGuinness rewatch

This came off about the same as last time I saw it, very good solid match.  The ending is the thing that is throwing me off.  Good ending, but just kind of happened.  Like I was expecting it to build better.  A lot of good stuff, but nothing was blowing me away.  Still, it is on the list.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Joe/Aries 2 rewatch

This came off a bit better on rewatch but still has issues.  Aries comeback came off a bit too easy, and the ending kind of sucked with Joe no selling a low blow and the final pin not really coming off as convincing.  Comparing this to Joe/Aries I, this had a better middle but a worse ending.  Definitely listable. 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Rave/Styles rewatch

This is a tough one.  I got to try to break this down.  The first minute or two is mat work and it feels out of place here, I would have preferred stooging.  Eventually, AJ calls out Rave and gets attacked from behind and gets interesting.  After some crowd brawling, AJ controls (which was fine) and then Rave controls (which was boring).  It eventually leads to a fun finishing stretch and a schmozz ending.  I say this is just good enough with AJ being good and Rave getting with the program down the stretch.  Just listable.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Gen Next/Joe and Danielson rewatch

Finally, something that held up.  The comedy and the ass kicking Evans received ruled the first half.  The Gen Next control section wasn’t as bad as I thought it was the first time, although I thought they threw Danielson to the outside one too many times.  The botch is still bad, and I thought Aries didn’t really put any effort in trying to save Evans in the end.  This was still fun and it’s on the list.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Punk/Shelly rewatch

I know I said that this came off as dry at points, but it came off as dryer this time.  It wasn’t that the body part work was bad, but the crowd’s disinterest carried over to me.  Shelly’s arm selling was great, Punk sold the mid section for a bit and then stopped doing it.  Would have helped if Shelly stopped attacking the mid section.  This felt like a lesser version of Shelly/Williams I from 04 and Doug is better mat wrester then Punk.  Has some cool moments in the end, but Punk shaking off two splashes and double stomp was just bit too much.  So no and I’m 0-3 on rewatches. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Gibson/Spanky rewatch

On rewatch, Gibson was still awesome, but Spanky came off worse.  I look at the arm work as being nice, but not being sold to great effect nor really feeling like it belonged there to begin with.  It’s good, but I feel there are better Gibson matches.  Not listworthy.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Spanky/Shelly rewatch

First third- Some good mat wrestling, none of it went anywhere, but its enjoyable, how they got to the apron DDT spot was kind meh although it landed well.

Second third- Shelly gets pushed off the top and injures his leg, Spanky works it over and eventually applies a poor looking figure four. Shelly’s comeback comes too easy in my view. Shelly sells the leg for a bit, but is eventually dropped.

Last Third- I take it back when it comes to the leg. He sells it too a degree. Interspersed in that was some move trading with finishers being kicked out. Most of it coming off as being too easy (especially the two sliced breads). I can understand finishers being kicked out of in a title match, but not in an opener.

Verdict- It is good, but it is not listable.  The match needed more struggle.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Low-Ki vs. KENTA Final Battle 2005 12/17/05

Not as great as some people may think, but it’s still pretty excellent.  Both are great strikers and they both kicked each others asses nice and well and it lived up to the hype.  KENTA sold the ass beating well, but I feel he dropped the selling of the mid section too soon.  At least it was more then what Marufuji did.  Total keeper and on to rewatching. 

Bryan Danielson vs. Naomichi Marufuji Final Battle 2005 12/17/05

I just couldn’t get into this mostly because of Marufuji.  He seemed disinterested, confused at what to do next, and his selling was lackadaisical.  I mean you are facing Bryan fucking Danielson.  He got a strong match out of Rocky Romero for god’s sake.  It was better then AJ/CIMA, but there are too many better matches.  Pass.     

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tony Mamaluke & Sal Rinauro vs Austin Aries& Roderick Strong ROH Tag Title Match Final Battle 2005 12/17/05

I thought it was good.  Tony was good at being irritating and Sal was decent as a chopping bag for Roderick.  The match lacked a sense of importance to it for a title match.  The champions got in on there licks well, but they weren’t in Gen Next’s league.  Slight No.

Jay Lethal vs BJ Whitmer vs Christopher Daniels vs Samoa Joe Final Battle 2005 12/17/05

That home stretch was a hell of a lot better then I thought it would be.  Had some meh stuff in the middle with the BJ/Lethal controlling and the cat fight.  This was all about Joe wanting to kill Lethal and when it happened, it was glorious.  There was some BAF in it, but this was unique enough to give a rewatch even though it won’t finish high.  

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Generation Next vs. The Embassy War Games Cage Match Steel Cage Warfare 12/3/05

If you can get past the first 5 minutes this is pretty excellent.  Gets really fun when Shelly comes in and acts like the biggest sickest scumbag on the planet.  It gets better with Abyss when he’s tossing people around and Nana taking his shots when he sees his openings.  Each elimination made sense or looked spectacular.  This match actually seems to hold up well.    

Steve Corino vs. Homicide Steel Cage Warfare 12/3/05

This was definitely one of a kind.  It’s one of the few matches I know of where someone gets stabbed in the ear in a very graphic manor.  Homicide did seem to separate his shoulder which severely hampered this.  Mostly because each transition struck me as being forced or being too easy.  The deal breaker was the masked man (Colt Cabana?) and the ref bumps in the end and it all just kind of ending.  It was better then I thought, but 05 has just been too loaded.    

Monday, February 21, 2011

Jay Lethal vs. Samoa Joe Steel Cage Warfare 12/3/05

This is on the line when it comes to the rewatch pile.  There was some stuff that wasn’t executed well and Jay’s heel turn wasn’t really built up as well as could have been.  Still Joe’s selling was great as usual and it led to the finish.  I will keep it, but I don’t know if it will hold up. 

Bryan Danielson vs Rocky Romero ROH World Title Match Steel Cage Warfare 12/3/05

This felt like a shoot style match.  Was not expecting it to be as sweet as it was.  I would have liked the finish more if Rocky had sold the leg work, but you could make that criticism for shoot style in general.  Another one on the list.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

ROH World Title: Bryan Danielson vs. Christopher Daniels A Night of Tribute 11/19/05

I liked this, but I think they could have dropped the leg work on Daniels.  Not even as much that Daniels didn’t sell it, but it wasn’t really a factor as Danielson just went after the cut after that.  It felt like time filler.  The last third was fun.  Keep.

Austin Aries, AJ Styles, Jack Evans & Matt Sydal vs. Jimmy Rave, Alex Shelley, Abyss & Prince Nana 8-Man Tag Team War Vendetta 11/5/05

If you are looking for something similar to the 6-man war in October, you will be disappointed.  This feels just like a regular 8-man tag, but with less hate and one table spot.  I kind of get why they did it, but I think a ref bump would have accomplished the same thing.  This match has its ups and downs.  Stuff I have to examine a little further.  This did seem to have a better middle with Evans getting stretched.  I’m not sure I would keep it on the rewatch, but we’ll see.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Bryan Danielson vs. Roderick Strong Vendetta 11/5/05

For a match that is as highly touted as this, this match had a lot of selling issues and some YTMT stuff in it.  I will say it had better heat then the “This Means War” match.  This still had a good degree of chipiness, so this deserves a rewatch.  Honestly, I don’t know if this is even better then there last match.  I’ll go into more detail later.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Samoa Joe vs. Christopher Daniels Vendetta 11/5/05

This felt like a much better version of there Night of the Grudges 2 match.  Joe leg selling was excellent and it had better crowd heat.  Some time could have been shaved from this, but it is good enough for a rewatch.

Bryan Danielson vs Chris Sabin Showdown in Motown 11/4/05

Man, remember the good old days when Sabin looked like he was in his 30’s with that long hair, he looks so much younger these days.  Danielson owned this match.  This felt like a title match to build another title match where Danielson was using the backbreaker on Sabin as message to Strong.  Sabin was mentioning the back work, but wasn’t really affecting him.  Danielson sold his neck like he was the best in the world.  Danielson’s dickheaded performance elevates to the rewatch pile.  

Jimmy Rave/Abyss vs AJ Styles/Matt Sydal Showdown in Motown 11/4/05

This was in the good range, but again with these Embassy matches, the middle stinks.  Abyss was good again, but I think he went to the ground too much early.  Rave again bores me.  I have seen Embassy matches that have had better beginnings and endings.  I going to say no to this. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bryan Danielson vs. Roderick Strong- This Means War 10/29/05

Stuff I could tell you about this match on first viewing:

-Heel Danielson is awesome (especially treating Roderick like he’s a piece of garbage)
-Some time could have been cut from this
-The crowd heat, again, could have been better
-The ending was weird for a couple reasons:
     -Danielson looked like he got legit knocked out
     -I liked the ending, but it felt like we kind of went past the arm work from the beginning and the finish would have worked in a different match (Battlarts/Futen)

This definitely needs a second viewing to sort out the selling.

Alex Shelley vs. Claudio Castagnoli- This Means War 10/29/05

If you can get over Shelly and Claudio working a bit too even, this is nice little match.  It is not like it doesn’t have issues (One of Shelly’s comebacks coming a bit too easy, and some submission trading down the stretch), but this match is pretty fun.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Austin Aries, Roderick Strong and Jack Evans vs. Jimmy Rave, Alex Shelley and Abyss Six Man War Buffalo Stampede 10/15/05

I really liked this.  Wasn’t expecting anything and turned out to be a fun little brawl.  Both table spots were awesome and the finish was really clever.  One botched spot with a ladder in the beginning, but other then that, this was better then I thought it would be.

Bryan Danielson VS Austin Aries Enter the Dragon 10/14/05

I liked this for the most part, but the crowd prevented it from elevating to loftier heights.  Aries sold the armwork well, but there was some stuff in the match that didn’t come off right.  Still this struck me as being better then there May match but I won’t know until rewatch. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Jimmy Rave & Alex Shelley vs Samoa Joe & Jay Lethal Enter the Dragon 10/14/05

This kind of reminded me of the Gen Next vs Danielson/Joe match back in February.  Sweet beginning and ending, but kind of a meandering middle.  Still this was a fun match and I’ll take a second look.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Kenta Kobashi & Homicide vs. Samoa Joe & Low-Ki Unforgettable 10/2/05

This was awesome when Homicide wasn’t involved.  Instead of trying to sell the beatdown during the FIP, Homicide tries to get his shit in without finding a proper transition.  Other then that, Kobashi is the best.  He even sold the arm work which wasn’t really the focus in a big time manner.  So yeah, Kobashi was definitely not in it for a paycheck (although a good incentive).  Keeper.

Roderick Strong vs. James Gibson Unforgettable 10/2/05

If you can get past a bit of back and forth in the beginning, this is a really nice match.   Maybe I would have liked Gibson to be a little more expressive in his selling, but I liked how Strong went to the forearm when his chopping hand was damaged.  Everything looked good from a physical standpoint.  Rewatch.